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We need your help

Our new campaign is online. We are looking for small donors, lots of them! Everything you can give makes a difference. We are asking you to "Skip a Coffee and Send a Student" in 2024.

We rely on your donations like yours to make our program run and to make it available to more great students. Please help us if you can. For any questions or issues related to your donations, please email


DLA is a program under the

Denver Police Activities League, Inc., a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit entity.

Gift a Scholarship
Request a Scholarship

DLA takes the attributes of the Greatest Generation - putting others first, leading from the front, managing chaos, being prepared while showing empathy - and teaches valuable lessons of leadership for business and students in a setting where the lessons are not just mere words, but were lived out in order to protect our freedoms.”

John Hayes, 
CEO Ball Corp

20 Students Sponsored

​John Hayes Family Foundation

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